About us :
Our office, MATKOWSKA & Associés, was created by Franck Matkowska in 2003.
Our office is located in Villeneuve d' Ascq, in the periphery of Lille and is easily accessible.
We offer to build your Intellectual property with you, to transform your innovations into success and growth.
We also assist you in the defence and valuation of your rights, in collaboration with lawyers in our network.
Our profession is regulated.
We are members of the "Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle" (CNCPI). The "CNCPI" exercises its profession with dignity, consciousness, independence and righteousness, and in the respect of laws and regulations governing its company.The exchanges with our customers and with lawyers are protected by the PROFESSIONAL SECRECY.
We are members of:
French Patent and Trademark Office (INPI)
European Patent Office (EPO)
European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
The Office

European & French Patent Attorney

Patent Paralegal